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The difference and application analysis between veneer hot press and other hot presses

2022-11-25 322

The veneer hot press is one of the hot presses, and it is also an object that we need to focus on learning and understanding, because it is not only a website product and keywords, but also has many applications, so we can only carry out this work. Therefore, we hope that you can take it seriously and carry it out so that you can master it in time. In this way, you can apply your knowledge and at the same time, you can also benefit from it.

1. Is there any difference between plywood hot press and veneer hot press?

The plywood hot press is mainly used in plywood production and manufacturing from a professional point of view. It is used for hot pressing and gluing. Moreover, if the plywood types are different, the performance requirements for the hot press are also different. In addition, the operation mode of this hot press includes periodic operation and continuous operation. In terms of composition, it has three parts: body, control drive part and heating system.

The veneer hot press can be divided into single veneer and double veneer. Its application is mainly in furniture factories and the secondary processing of wood-based panels. Moreover, the utility model is mainly used for hot pressing veneer, and cannot be used for other purposes.

Therefore, to sum up, there are still obvious differences between the two types of hot presses, although both belong to hot presses. Therefore, they should not be confused, so that problems may arise in use.

2. Can the hot press used in the production of blockboard be used as the veneer hot press?

It is not possible, because they are two different hot presses, and in terms of pressure, the former cannot meet the requirements. In addition, we also need to know that for the veneer hot press, the larger the tonnage, the better the veneer effect.

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